[Talk-at] in Austria, good experience - thank you!

grubernd lists at mehrzweckraum.com
Mon Nov 10 11:57:32 UTC 2014

On 2014-11-09 22:19, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> But the data is NOT correct.

no data in OSM can ever be correct, because than it would be an 
atomic-exact copy of the real world, and hey, there is already one. ;)

leaving ironic philosphical mode, any data in OSM has and always will be 
an approximation, a crude simplification, an abstract model. and just 
because current routers are just too simple to use the data correctly 
doesnt mean that the data is wrong. the data is ahead of the curve, 
routers will learn how to use it or how to ignore it. evolution.

just like the openSTREETmap now also includes houses and forests and 
mobile network masts and power lines and all that other useless stuff 
noone needs to route a car over the autobahn.

allowing to think outside the box is what makes OSM so great.

what i would really like to know is why you have a problem for others 
pushing the use-cases of OSM further.


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